Hall 8, G57.1

Mondzorg LLC is the official distributor of Amann Girrbach products in Russian Federation and implements the following brands: Ceramill, Artex, Giroform, Smartmix, Smartbox, Steamer, etc. Today, the articulation system manufactured by Amann Girrbach is the most common in Russia due to its ease of use, unsurpassed Austrian quality and a high level of customer service. In addition, a huge number of training courses in various formats allows you to fully unleash the potential of Artex articulators and use them in your practice to the maximum.

Mondzorg LLC is the official distributor of Amann Girrbach products in Russian Federation and implements the following brands: Ceramill, Artex, Giroform, Smartmix, Smartbox, Steamer, etc. Today, the articulation system manufactured by Amann Girrbach is the most common in Russia due to its ease of use, unsurpassed Austrian quality and a high level of customer service. In addition, a huge number of training courses in various formats allows you to fully unleash the potential of Artex articulators and use them in your practice to the maximum. The Ceramill equipment complex, from the Map 600 scanner to the Motion 2 milling cutter, are links in the same process chain. All stages of production are linked into a single whole. This is exactly the System! Functional and accurate! Of course, the decisive factors when choosing a Cad/Cam Ceramill are reliability and effective technical support for users.

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Product types:
Articulators (lab)
Model pins
Sintering furnaces (lab)
Informational and educational software
Software for dental laboratory
Synthetic resin (lab)
CAD/CAM systems (lab)
Ceramic processing systems (lab)
Boiling-out and steam jet devices (lab)
Milling machines
Model base and splitcast systems (lab)
Zirconium dioxide
Ceramic furnaces (lab)
Service offerings for dental equipment, drivetrains and tools
Plaster processing systems (lab)
Duplicating materials (lab)
CAD/CAM systems
Non-precious for CAD/CAM (lab)
Amann Girrbach AG


Phone: +7 (499) 5515205
Adress: 127018, Russia, Москва, улица Новодмитровская, дом 2, корпус 2

Phone:+7 (499) 5515205
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